Onychomycosis and Fungal Nail Infections

Onychomycosis Fungal Nail Infections

At The Foot Practice, we provide a thorough fungal nail infection assessment combined with a clinically proven and patented antifungal topical remedy called nailKALM®, formulated with AMYCOT® to treat nail fungus, with results within 90 days naturally.

Fungal nail infections often remain untreated and become a chronic condition estimated to be responsible for 20 percent of all nail diseases. Almost 10 percent of people in Singapore suffer from the early stages of onychomycosis. By the age of 70, virtually 50 percent of people will have developed onychomycosis, making it one of the fastest-rising nail conditions. 

What Is Fungal Infection in Nails?

Fungal nail infections can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, and occupation. Yellow or white spots under the tip of a nail are the first signs of dermatophyte fungi. These symptoms might be inadequately defined as people may overlook warning signs. However, as the infection develops, nails begin to lose their colour. 

Several fungi species affect human nails, specifically onychomycosis. Onychomycosis can develop slowly without immediately noticeable signs at the onset and manifest itself when it’s too late to address the issue quickly. So, how do you understand if you have this infection before it becomes deeply chronic?

What Are Causes of Nail Infections or Onychomycosis?

What Are Causes of Nail Infections or Onychomycosis?

These days more and more people strive to live healthier lives by being more active and fit. But whether you are lifting weights at the gym or participating in a studio workout class, paying attention to personal hygiene is crucial.

Factors that may cause and help fungal nail infections thrive  include:

  • A dark and moist environment for fungal infections to thrive.
  • If you excessively sweat while wearing socks and shoes.
  • Tropical weather, such as in Singapore.

Apart from growing on damp parts of your body, fungi can also be contagious and spread from one person to another. Vigorous exercising makes you sweat, creating a favourable environment for fungal infection growth. Public swimming pools, steam rooms, exercise and dance studios, and shared showers at gyms are at increased risk for fungal infection.

How Can I Prevent Fungal Nail Infections? 

Since so many factors facilitate onychomycosis’ development and spread – like poor hygiene, increased sweating, and damp environments – we are all at risk. However, people with diabetes, psoriasis or other immune system disorders that decrease the blood flow to the limbs are more vulnerable to the disease. 

onychomycosis early stages

Adults, particularly men, have more chances to develop nail fungus than children and females. It is worth noting that onychomycosis quickly spreads between those who live under the same roof. If a person has the infection, it’s generally transmitted to other family members.

Another essential fact about onychomycosis is that other fungal illnesses can easily mimic it. That’s why the best way to detect and treat this infection early is to visit a qualified specialist like your podiatrist.

Why Is Onychomycosis Difficult to Treat

While specialists quickly diagnose mycosis, most people fail to recognise onychomycosis early-stage symptoms on their own. The infection often takes a chronic form that is challenging to cure due to a lack of effective treatments. The quick spread of disease also hinders the healing process.

It’s better to prevent the nail fungus condition rather than treat it later. 

Preventative measures include maintaining hygiene, keeping your skin clean, and changing socks daily. It is recommended to wear shoes that allow air circulation to reduce the risk of infection.

But if your finger or toenails are already infected, our clinic offers naturally derived onychomycosis topical treatment from The Foot Practice.

What Should I Do if I Have Onychomycosis

If you have onychomycosis, you should treat it at the early onset to stop its spreading. However, the absence of evident symptoms makes it almost impossible to address the infection early. When addressing the infection too late, the fungi further develop, passing onto other nails.

what kills fingernail fungus naturally

Our nails are made of protein keratin that provides cell and tissue growth and protects them from external damage. The nail plate is formed from approximately 50 layers of keratinocytes, which makes nails strong and resilient. 

Fungi cells systematically replicate and replace the keratin, spreading deeper into the nail bed, and bypassing the protective layers. The fungi growth will lead to the deterioration of the nail plate and the nail bed. If your nails become yellow or white, get thicker, and separate from the nail bed, you likely have a fungal infection. 

If you observe these changes, visit a podiatrist to start treatment immediately. Onychomycosis is not a disease that goes away on its own but progresses into a chronic condition. So, consult a podiatrist when you notice the disease’s first symptoms. 

Although the condition can affect the fingernails, onychomycosis of the toenails is more prevalent. The disease can have even more drastic consequences like the nail crumbling on the edges or affecting your walk due to pain in the toenails.

Is There a Natural Treatment for Nail Fungus Infections

If you’re looking for a natural cure for fungal nail infections, visit The Foot Practice. We offer our patients safe and natural onychomycosis topical treatment that is highly effective.

Our skin and nail care treatment is uniquely derived – a natural cure for fungal nail infections – harnessing Spirulina’s fungicidal power to start killing nail fungus instantly and once and for all. The solution also uses the same natural antifungal properties to repair damaged nails by recovering the infected nail bed.

nail fungus treatment guardian

The Foot Practice’s nailKALM® remedy, combined with the expert advice from our lead podiatrist, improves the healing process of nail fungus infections, quickly relieving the disease’s symptoms.

The antifungal activity of AMYCOT® that’s found in The Foot Practice’s fungal nail treatment in Singapore produces a putative enzymatic action that kills nail fungus fast and has little-to-no side effects in most patients. It can be used daily without irritation.

FAQs Fungal Nail Infection Solution

nailKALM® is a dermaceutical cream that has been clinically proven to fight fungal infections. The topical solution is a non-toxic antifungal that protects the skin to minimize the risk of reinfection. Clinical studies have shown the efficacy in killing fungus rather than preventing an infection. [1, 2]

nailKALM® contains AMYCOT®, a patented, naturally-derived ingredient from Spirulina, a natural bio-organic bacterium or microalgae. It’s one of the earliest forms of plant life that has been a food source for centuries.

AMYCOT®’s antifungal properties are due to an enzymatic reaction that collapses the chitin/chitosan polymers in the fungal cell wall, eventually destroying and killing the fungus. In addition, the patented ingredient helps decrease inflammation and promote healthy skin and nail growth. [3]

In clinical studies, the naturally derived treatment has been shown to eliminate fungi within 90 days. [2,3] As each infection is different, the time of treatment efficacy may vary from person to person.

It is almost improbable that nail and toenail fungal infections will disappear without proper treatment. [4]

[1] Parekh M et al. (2017) A pilot single centre, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, parallel study of Calmagen® dermaceutical cream and lotion for the topical treatment of tinea and onychomycosis. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 17:464. DOI 10.1186/s12906-017-1970-2

[2] Freeman AM and Freeman MG. (2011) nailKALM® (Arthrospira maxima) for the treatment of dermatophyte nail infections. Australasian Journal of Dermatology 52 Suppl 1: 25

[3] Ilag LL (2018) AMYCOT®,a Novel Natural Treatment for Ringworm and other Tinea Infections. Journal of Dermatology and Clinical Research 6(1):1114

[4] Westerberg DP and Voyack MJ (2013) Onychomycosis: Current Trends in Diagnosis and Treatment. American Family Physician 88(11):762-770

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Saturday: 9:00am to 1:00pm
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