ankle sprains treatment Singapore

Ankle Sprains

A sprained ankle typically come from accidently inverting the foot. When you invert the foot, you twist the ankle inward landing on the outside bone of the ankle. This causes tearing and stretching of the ligaments that support the outside part of the ankle. Before a sprained ankle treatment, you will likely have increased pain, bruising, and swelling of the outer part of the ankle and will have a hard time walking on the foot without pain.

Grades of Ankle Sprain

Sprained ankles come in three different grades. Your ankle sprain grade depends on how severely the ligaments are damaged and how much pain you are experiencing. Here are the 3 grades of ankle sprains you might expect if you twist your ankle:

  • Grade I Ankle Sprain. When the ankle is injured, and you sustain a grade I ankle sprain, the ligaments are stretched or partially torn during the injury. There will be some swelling and tenderness, but it will quickly be relieved with anti-inflammatory medications, an ACE wrap and ice to the affected area. You will be able to bear weight on the foot and will be able to walk around with only a little bit of pain. The ankle will be completely stable when the podiatrist tries to apply stress to the strained area.
  • Grade II Ankle Sprain. In such cases, there is a tear of at least one ligament, usually the anterior talofibular ligament (which connects the long fibula bone with the talus in the foot), and you will experience moderate swelling and pain. Because ligaments have been torn, there may be some bruising around the outside of the ankle and you will limp when you try to walk on the ankle. The side of the ankle will be very tender to the touch, and you will have pain on putting weight on the foot.
  • Grade III Ankle Sprain. When this happens, a ligament has been torn, and the ankle is unstable. There is severe swelling that goes up the leg and severe bruising. You will be unable to bear weight or walk on the ankle because of the pain and because a ligament that supports typically the ankle has been disrupted. When the podiatrist checks the ankle ligaments for stability, the ankle will not withstand stress.
ankle twist injury treatment

Sometimes simple range of motion, strengthening and stretching ankle exercises at home can help to prevent and rehabilitate your injury. However, speaking with a podiatrist is an important step before you start any exercise regimen, especially if you already have an injury.

How to Treat a Sprained Ankle

The immediate sprained ankle treatment recommendation is to rest the ankle. No matter how injured your ankle is, you will need to apply ice and probably use a wrap to reduce swelling and make the ankle feel more stable. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen and naproxen sodium can reduce inflammation and help ease your pain.

In severe cases, you may have to have your ankle cast or an ankle boot placed on the ankle for the ligament to heal. Crutches might be needed if you can’t bear weight on the ankle to get around. You should try to keep the ankle up as much as possible because swelling tends to happen from gravity on the tissues when you are upright. An ACE wrap will help with some of the swelling and should be on your ankle whenever you are bearing weight on the leg.

Building foot and increasing ankle stability as we age is essential for prevention, as niggling sprained ankle issues may lead to prolonged chronic injury. The ligament may heal independently, but ankle pain may be a sign of other related conditions, from Achilles tendonitis, bone fractures, or peroneal tendonitis.

Visiting an ankle specialist, like a podiatrist, is essential to address your immediate injury and any other underlying musculoskeletal dysfunctions. Surgery is rarely necessary after an ankle sprain, but our team can refer you to a foot and ankle doctor if necessary.

Contact our podiatry clinic for a consultation and assessment to evaluate your ankle pain.

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Podiatry Clinic Location

The Foot Practice Podiatry Clinic
545 Orchard Rd
#16-13 Far East Shopping Centre
Singapore 238882

Podiatry Appointment Business Hours
Monday to Fridays: 9:00am to 6:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am to 1:00pm
Sunday: Closed

Book an Appointment

+65 6282 7400

+65 8776 9918