Custom Insoles & Foot Orthotics

At The Foot Practice, we use the best-in-class 3D pro sensors for scanning foot structure and a special pressure treadmill to access your movement patterns to deliver more accurate orthotic inserts, custom insoles in Singapore, and high-quality orthotics to correct foot function.
custom feet insoles price

Foot care, often overlooked, is vital due to the considerable demands of daily activities like walking, running, and dancing! Walking and running are complex processes that necessitate proper foot health and function. Incorrect foot alignment can lead to deformities and injuries, causing pain.

The Foot Practice Orthotics Lab specialises in customising foot orthotics tailored specifically for you. We use our special pressure-sensing treadmill and in-house 3D printing fabrication system to create custom insoles from sustainable, recycled materials. Our technology ensures precise management of foot dysfunction, providing orthotic insoles for adults and children.

Customised Insoles and Orthotic Inserts

The Foot Practice offers a diverse range of orthoses, from customised insoles and orthotic inserts based on the unique characteristics of your body and foot condition. 

Though frequently mentioned in the same context, customised insoles and orthotic inserts serve distinct purposes with unique characteristics that cater to different needs. Customised insoles are tailored to match the unique contours of an individual’s feet and designed to enhance comfort and fit within a wide range of footwear.

best custom orthotics

In contrast, orthotic inserts have a more clinical focus on correcting biomechanical foot issues and addressing specific conditions like plantar fasciitis, flat feet, or high arches. These inserts result from a comprehensive biomechanical analysis and are designed not just for comfort but to modify foot function fundamentally. 

Orthotic inserts provide targeted support, aiming to alter how the foot interacts with the ground, redistribute pressure evenly across the foot, and reduce stress on vulnerable areas. This therapeutic approach not only helps alleviate pain but also prevents further injuries, making orthotic inserts an essential tool in managing and correcting foot-related disorders.

While both products at The Foot Practice offer personalisation to your feet, the critical distinction lies in their application: customised insoles focus on enhancing daily comfort and minor support adjustments, whereas orthotic inserts are dedicated to therapeutic correction and improving foot biomechanics.

At The Foot Practice, our solutions use advanced 3D and pressure-sensing technologies to perfectly match your foot shape and walking pattern, providing a comfortable, supportive layer within the shoe suitable for everyday wear and alleviating any painful movement.

If you want to improve your gait and move better, make an appointment with The Foot Practice today for an assessment with our specialised podiatrist for your custom insoles in Singapore.

Do you Need Customised Insoles?

Customised insoles and orthotic insoles benefit a wide range of individuals, not just athletes or those experiencing discomfort. They are essential for anyone looking to improve foot comfort, address specific foot conditions, or enhance the alignment and function of their feet and lower legs. This includes:

  • People with foot pain or discomfort: Individuals experiencing general foot pain or discomfort from standing, walking, or running for extended periods can find relief with customised or orthotic insoles
  • Patients with specific foot conditions: Those diagnosed with plantar fasciitis, flat feet, heel spurs, bunions, and other foot-related issues can benefit from the corrective and supportive features of orthotic insoles
  • Athletes and active individuals: Runners, cyclists, and others engaged in regular physical activities can use orthotic insoles to prevent injuries and also enhance performance through improved foot function and alignment
  • Individuals with lower back pain: Since foot alignment can impact the entire posture, people suffering from lower back pain related to foot function may find orthotic insoles helpful in alleviating their symptoms
  • Professionals who stand for long hours: Workers in professions that require standing for prolonged periods, such as healthcare, retail, and manufacturing, can benefit from the added support and comfort provided by customised insoles

Customised and orthotic insoles offer a range of benefits beyond mere foot comfort. By providing tailored support and alignment, they enhance comfort and contribute significantly to pain relief across various foot conditions and related body areas. Whether for daily wear, professional requirements, or specific health conditions, investing in customised or orthotic insoles is a step towards better foot health, comfort, and quality of life.

Foot Type and Orthoses

The categorisation of feet into three broad types based on the arch’s distance from the ground provides a foundational understanding of when custom orthotics might be required. 

Individuals with normal feet typically have medium arches, where approximately half of the foot arch makes contact with the ground during standing. This configuration usually indicates an effective balance of support for the body’s weight and efficient shock absorption.

custom insoles Singapore

Conversely, flat feet are characterised by the entire sole or a significant portion of it touching the ground, potentially leading to stress on the feet or knees if left unaddressed. 

High-arched feet present an opposite scenario, with an abnormally high arch resulting in only the ball and heel of the sole contacting the ground. This condition can compromise the arch’s ability to absorb shock effectively, especially during activities like running. 

For those with flat or high-arched feet, custom orthotics can be crucial in managing the impact on the arch or providing the necessary support to maintain foot health and comfort. These personalised solutions help mitigate the challenges associated with each foot type, enhancing comfort and reducing the risk of related discomfort or injuries.

Obtaining customised insoles is a meticulous journey tailored to ensure each individual receives the most supportive and comfortable fit possible.

Our Orthotic Consultation and Assessment Process

The journey to obtaining customised insoles is an intricate process designed to provide you with insoles that fit perfectly and address your specific foot health needs. From the initial consultation and foot assessment to the careful customization and precise manufacturing, each step is crucial in ensuring that your insoles offer the best possible support and comfort.

Customization Options
Following the assessment, we will discuss customisation options that cater to your needs. This includes determining the ideal arch support level to correct imbalances or relieve foot-related issues. This personalisation addresses conditions such as plantar fasciitis, flat feet, or high arches, ensuring that the insoles offer the most targeted support.

Manufacturing and Fitting
Once we’ve established your custom insole design, we will take a digital foot scan to create a precise model. We fabricate your insoles using advanced technology and high-quality materials to match the exact specifications. Our new 3D in-house fabrication lab makes our custom insoles available within a few days versus waiting for weeks. We then schedule a fitting session to ensure they fit snugly in your footwear and provide the intended support and comfort.

Analysis and Adjustments
With our best-in-class Zebris RehaWalk® system and Run3D infrared gait analysis, our podiatry team can make adjustments in virtually real-time to achieve the optimal fit, focusing on enhancing your foot health and overall well-being.

With these custom solutions, you can look forward to improved foot health, enhanced comfort, and better performance in your daily activities or sports endeavours.

FAQs about CMT Disease

A podiatrist can provide a Charcot Marie Tooth diagnosis by identifying the symptoms in patients. It could be by conducting tests during one session or noticing a pattern of problems or symptoms in a patient over time.

Exercise is vital to combatting CMT. Keeping the body moving can help the affected areas remain limber and strong and prevent them from succumbing to further degradation. However, patients with CMT should exercise moderately, as overexertion can be dangerous.

Patients with CMT can walk barefoot, but it is essential only in clean settings. The nervous disorder prevents patients from feeling pain in their extremities, making it easy not to notice a puncture wound from walking barefoot. These wounds can become infected and pose a danger to the patient.

You cannot necessarily slow the disease; however, you can treat its symptoms and reduce discomfort. Talk to your podiatrist about what symptoms are affecting your quality of life. They can develop a plan with you to prevent the condition from worsening. 

CMT can be diagnosed at any age if the symptoms are recognized. However, the younger the patient, the more difficult it can be for paediatricians to detect CMT, as many signs of CMT can be misunderstood as clumsiness. Bring your child to a pediatric podiatrist for a Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease examination.

There is no set answer for when surgery is needed for CMT, but it is usually only explored when the patient finds their quality of life is significantly reduced by CMT’s symptoms. The surgery can treat some of CMT’s symptoms but cannot treat the genetic disease itself.

Ready to Speak with Our Podiatry Team?

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Podiatry Clinic Location

The Foot Practice Podiatry Clinic
545 Orchard Rd
#16-13 Far East Shopping Centre
Singapore 238882

Podiatry Appointment Business Hours
Monday to Fridays: 9:00am to 6:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am to 1:00pm
Sunday: Closed

Book an Appointment

+65 6282 7400

+65 8776 9918