Claw Toe
Effective conservative claw toe treatment starts with knowing and recognising the early symptoms of this dysfunction during the flexible early stage to prevent the need for surgical intervention later. Early symptoms of claw toes often exhibit rigid and bent toes, calluses, corns, blisters, and swelling — the abnormal appearance of your toes bent into a claw-like deformed shape. This can affect a person’s ability to stand, walk, or run. The condition is often associated with high foot arches, weakened or imbalanced muscles, or a neurologic disorder. Podiatric treatment for claw toes is recommended as pain and stiffness can progressively worsen and become permanent if left untreated.
Hallux Valgus
Hallux valgus is one of the most common, progressive, and bilateral foot deformities of the first the bone in the foot just behind the big toe that can lead to debilitating pain and disability. It occurs most commonly due to loss of arch height, which results in increased weight bearing on the great toe joint.
Morton’s Neuroma
Morton’s neuroma stem from having excess pressure on the nerves of your foot, usually from wearing shoes that are too tight. The cause of Morton’s neuroma is a small ball of nerve bundles that have formed a benign tumor on the ball of the foot, usually located in the web space between the third and fourth toes. It is painful, even though you can’t see any physically visible indications. It often feels as though you are standing on a small rock.
Heel Pain
Heel pain is very common. Fortunately, it can get better without treatment (including surgery) if you allow the heel to rest. On the other hand, some people ignore early heel pain and continue to walk or run on the heel until it becomes impossible to do so without pain. The pain can even be present when you are not on the foot, leading to chronic pain that affects many of your daily activities.
High Foot Arch (Per Cavus)
Having a high foot arches or pes cavus foot essentially means you are a person with high foot arches. Instead of placing pressure on the entire foot, standing or walking places pressure on the ball and heel of the feet. This can cause instability and pain.
Flat Feet
Having flat feet is very common in 11 percent adults. You will rarely experience pain. You can be born with flat feet or you can develop it as you age with wear and tear on the feet while walking on them.
Bunions is a common foot problem, especially among women. It involves having a large bump on the inner aspect of the foot at the site of the connection between the big toe and the foot itself. The bump is actually the base of the big toe which sticks out because the great toe is pushed over toward the second toe rather than pointing in its proper position.
Ankle Sprains
A sprained ankle typically come from accidently inverting the foot. When you invert the foot, you twist the ankle inward landing on the outside bone of the ankle. This causes tearing and stretching of the ligaments that support the outside part of the ankle. Before a sprained ankle treatment, you will likely have increased pain, bruising, and swelling of the outer part of the ankle and will have a hard time walking on the foot without pain.